Our people are our greatest asset and we have some pretty dang good ones. Thank goodness for that since we spend such a large chunk of our lives together. To some, culture is a framework created at the top. To us, culture is simply the sum of our people. It’s an immeasurable beast, undoubtedly felt and collectively influenced by every single person. Regardless of position, each individual shifts the feel of this place. And that’s why we say, “it’s relationships we build.”
It's Relationships We Build

Gordy Guest
Senior Principal | Chief Executive Officer
Gordy Guest
Senior Principal | Chief Executive Officer
Everything about Gordy is loud. From his patterned shirts to his booming voice calling the hogs – he’s our all around Cyntergy hype man.
It would be a stretch to find a more personable and hands-on CEO; relationship building is his battle cry. He joined Ken back in ’97, and he’s deepened his t-town roots ever since. Gordy has a heart for serving our local community – the Chamber, New Life Ranch, Tulsa Habitat for Humanity…the list is truly a mile long. The only thing he loves more is his fam. He and his wife, Charlotte, spend most of their free time traveling, likely visiting their kids across the country. Empty nester life has its perks.
Feeling up to a challenge?
Meet gordy on the golf course. if you wager any money, both your bank account and your pride will take a hit.
“If you had to replace your hands with objects already in your house, what would you replace your hands with?”
G: “Golf Clubs”

Josh Chesney
Principal | Chief Development Officer
Principal | Chief Development Officer
If Josh had a meeting walk up song, it’d be MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This” – the man refuses to use door handles.
He’s your classic case of home-grown talent; he started as Cyntergy’s first summer intern, and somehow, we haven’t scared him off yet. In fact, Josh simultaneously pilots our design and business development endeavors. He’s a level-headed sounding board who empowers his team to run with creativity. He’s not just an OSU fan, he’s truly a poke through and through. Don’t believe us? Keep your eyes out for his wardrobe… You name it, he’s got it in orange. A classic evening for Josh includes a round of golf followed by dinner at Mondos with the girls where he’s guaranteed to order every appetizer on the menu.

Jim Turner
Principal | Chief Administrative Officer
Jim Turner
Principal | Chief Administrative Officer
Architect by day, soccer star by night, Jeep addict 24/7.
Jim hits full throttle in his dedication to architecture, Jeeping and all things Tulsa. He fully encompasses the role of architect – from his seasoned leadership at the office to his involvement in the community, Jim is always generous with his time. He has a passion for historic preservation and uses his expertise with the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture and the Preservation Commission. Back at the office, Jim oversees our administrative team with a knack for the nitty gritty. He’s not afraid to get his hands (or his Jeep) dirty…he could tell you tales from Moab for days. If it’s not Moab, be sure to ask about his latest trip across the pond with his wife, Cherrie or his thoughts on this year’s Cowboy football team.
Similar to an oklahoma 'nader, jim tells us he runs people over on the soccer field, so if you're in his path, we recommend to seek shelter immediately.

Michael Hicks
Principal | Chief Production Officer
Michael Hicks
Principal | Chief Production Officer
Michael Hicks without a tie is like sticking a fork in a light socket: SHOCKING.
Michael is truly a jack of all trades and the proof is in the alphabet behind his name. He graduated top of his class from the School of Hard Knocks. True grit runs in his blood – from the farm as a child to the office as an adult, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone more driven. He’s fully present wherever he is and gifted at being invested with clients in the office and his fam at home. He’ll make you feel like the most valuable coworker around, but his favorite day on the calendar is his wedding anniversary.
Be sure to ask hicks about his and his wife's latest netflix binge. they never leave a season unfinished.

Jeff Ferguson
Principal | Chief Culture Officer
Jeff Ferguson
Principal | Chief Culture Officer
Don’t let his age fool you, Jeff can jam to the latest hit and cheer obnoxiously for the Pittsburgh Steelers with the best of them.
Jeffery D. Ferguson, aka Fergie Frog or Trout Boy, is focused on all things culture here at Cyntergy. He’s the king of processes and is quite literally always taking notes…you can thank his engineering background for that. He led our mechanical team for 11 years and gained great respect and street cred. He’s willing to weather the storm alongside you and will always do his best to bring you back to reality. His personal escape from reality is trout fishing in Creed, CO where he and his family can be found every summer.
If you're curious about the latest documentary, grab jeff and go to lunch - he's sure to know it all.

Trey Lewis
Associate | Chief Financial Officer
Trey Lewis
Associate | Chief Financial Officer
One thing’s for sure – picking Trey for a golf scramble is easy money.
Trey lives in the land of spreadsheets and numbers. He tracks our financials better than a teenage girl on a popstar. He’s quick to listen, slow to speak and reliably cool as a cucumber. You could say Trey brings home the bacon figuratively and literally… it pairs well with pancake Saturdays at the Lewis household. He and his wife, Rafaela, have their hands full in the best way. They have a tradition we’re all jealous of – Christmas in Brazil all December long. We’ve asked them to adopt us, but they haven’t signed the papers just yet.
Trey may be quiet, but if you want to get him talking, ou football, atlanta braves baseball or the optimal golf swing are great places to start.
“What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?”
T: “How to be a decent human”

Stephanie Putzke
Principal | Director of Interior Design
Stephanie Putzke
Principal | Director of Interior Design
Two things you need to know about Steph – she’s always down to chat and she’s one heckuva juggler.
When it’s crunch time, Stephanie is your go to girl – she stops nothing shy of a job well done. She’s a defender of her people and fights hard for her clients. Steph keeps her head down when football rolls around, but come November 1st, she talks a lot of smack over her Jayhawk basketball. In fact, the entire Putzke household rock chalks harder than anyone in the Tulsa metroplex. Magically, Stephanie’s a full-time mom, full-time wife and a full-time leader. Basically, she’s a unicorn.
If you ask her to pick the restaurant, 10 times out of 10 you'll end up at a joint that serves chips and salsa and tall margaritas.

David Phelps
Principal | Director of Architecture
David Phelps
Principal | Director of Architecture
David is equal parts director and ringmaster. He could give Barnum and Bailey a run for their money.
He oversees our largest discipline, so he has his hands full balancing many different acts. David’s as patient as they come, which comes in handy because his office might as well have a revolving door. Regardless of how busy he is, he always makes time to listen. We’re confident David’s TV only has two channels – ESPN for OU football and The History Channel for everything else. His evenings and weekends are filled with his favorite people, whether it’s baseball practice and dance lessons with his kids or social events with his wife, Marnie.

Katie Wilczek
Senior Associate | Director of Structural Engineering
Katie Wilczek
Senior Associate | Director of Structural Engineering
If Katie was alive for the Boston Tea Party, she would have put her straw in the Boston Harbor and drank it dry.
Born in England, girl can drink some serious tea. As a kid, Katie didn’t just want to play with Legos, she dreamt of working for them too. Lucky for us, she’s using her license to engineer at a much larger scale. Marked by her steady composure, she’s missing an ego and we love that about her. She helped build the structure for Cyntergy’s volunteer efforts – Iron Gate and Reading Partners are close to her heart. But her top priority? Her sweet kiddos. She has the most entertaining stories to tell us – there must never be a dull moment for her and her husband. For guaranteed obscure history, Katie’s best travel tip is to find the nearest ghost tour.
If you're feeling cheeky, sneak on over to katie's desk and give her your best scare - she's sure to jump higher than a kangaroo at a trampoline park.

Mike Obermark
Director of Mechanical Engineering
Mike Obermark
Director of Mechanical Engineering
Voted most likely Cyntergian to win the Tour de France, Mike is your classic cycling junkie.
Odds are, if the weather is nice, you can spot him making the 15 mile trek to the office. Now the director, Mike has played an integral role on the Mechanical team since day one. He’s unquestionably humble with a knack for putting pen to paper and helping others iron out project wrinkles. In fact, the entire paper industry has job security thanks to Mike – his presence at the printer is inevitable. He’s steady and deliberate, a man of routine whose workout regimen would put yours to shame. His dedication spills into all areas of life from his family to his golf game to most recently, exploring his German roots.

Christopher Harwell
Principal | Director of Electrical Engineering
Christopher Harwell
Principal | Director of Electrical Engineering
How many electrical engineers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one if you’re as tall as Christopher Harwell.
Thank goodness his heart is above average too – he would unquestionably give you the shirt off his back. He will always lend a helping hand but never wants the credit. A leader willing to evaluate and continually improve, Christopher brings an expertise that’s second to none; specialty lighting is his jam. When he isn’t busy lighting up the office (literally and figuratively), he’s likely in the great outdoors fishing, shooting hoops or metal detecting. He spends most of his time with his best friend and partner in crime – his wife, Angela.
Next time you're feeling bold, challenge christopher to a pick-up game over the lunch hour. we'll warn you though, he may block your shot.

James Spradling
Director of Fire Protection Engineering
James Spradling
Director of Fire Protection Engineering
What do the Jolly Green Giant and James Spradling have in common? Basically everything.
He’s reliably cheerful, a country boy through and through, and his height turns heads everywhere he goes. In college, those genes helped UCONN win the ’88 NIT National Championship and lock down his wife. She’s attracted to winners and, obviously, so are we since we hired him straight outta St. Louis. We mean it when we say he’s the best of the best – his expertise ranges from South American cathedrals to large scale prototypical development. James is a go with the flow (test – ha) kind of guy who is committed to developing the strengths of his team members and collecting fire paraphernalia. Look for him and his 1937 fire truck at the next local parade.

Stephen Burgin
Senior Associate | Director of Construction Services
Stephen Burgin
Senior Associate | Director of Construction Services
Stephen’s a no-nonsense, sooner-loving, wannabe Hostess truck driver who runs our killer construction team.
Speaking of killer – his dogs are something fierce. His passion for dog training has rubbed off on him… he’s got a pretty loud bark, especially when it comes to advocating for his client. His care is undeniable, and he’s consistently dedicated to the finished product. Stephen will go above and beyond to ensure the quality of his projects and development of his individual team members. 2018 was a big year for Stephen – he managed to join both the leadership team and the fatherhood club all within a few months.
While he's the director here, the girls take over at home. you can find him wrapped around emerson's little finger or traveling with his wife, shanna.

Mike Phelps
Principal | Director of Project Management
Mike Phelps
Principal | Director of Project Management
When looking for a champ to lead our project management team, Mike was first off the starting block – must be something in the name.
Beginning his career as an intern here, Mike has proven he’s willing to go the distance. With his level-headed attitude and willingness to be challenged, we’ve had the joy of watching him develop into a confident leader. Although Mike is a people person through and through at the office with his warm smile and friendly chatter, this introvert recharges by tinkering with his 1996 Mazda Miata at home. He’s your typical family man – weekends include coaching his son’s baseball team and watching Formula 1 racing on full blast.
He's a little ocd, so if you ever want to get under his skin, pop open a bag of chips and smack away.

Seth Hildebrant
Senior Associate | Director of Retail
Seth Hildebrant
Senior Associate | Director of Retail
Picture this: Curious George cruising down the highway at 90 mph on his way to volunteer at church. This is Seth Hildebrant.
Seth is an all or nothing kind of guy – he jumps in with both feet, which feels fitting with his fancy footwork on the soccer field. He played at John Brown and relives his glory days on the sidelines coaching his daughters. He takes his responsibilities seriously, including that Sooner Schooner bandwagon. His love of the Sooners could put any actual alumn to shame. Seth leaves no question unasked and helps lead our architecture team with tenacity.
If you're ever hungry on a saturday morning, head over to seth's house where he's sure to be cooking up a big breakfast for his family.

Ann Allred
Human Resources Manager
Ann Allred
Human Resources Manager
If you’re looking for details on HR compliance or Middle Eastern travel, Ann’s the guru for you.
Her love for various cultures runs deep – originating from her upbringing on the mission field. On any given weekend, you can find her in the basketball stands cheering on her grandsons and in the choir stands cheering on Jesus. Compassionate to her core, Ann makes time to be a listening ear. As a kid, she aspired to be a journalist but, as an adult, landed in the HR world; thankfully, her love of people and communication stuck with her. Her door is always open…unless it’s not…in which case, you hope to not be inside.
You'll consistently feel heard with ann, which is why her grandsons are lucky to call her grandma.

Robert Day
Director of Business Development
Robert Day
Director of Business Development
Robert was once approached to go on tour with the Dixie Chicks. He took one look at the groupie life and decided to avoid that “landslide.”
He is truly a jack of all trades – you name it, he’s dabbled in it. Playing keys, bee-keeping, house renovating, cooking and restoring Ford Broncos just to name a few. He and Kathy spend most weekends at their lake house fishing and boating together. He’s a romantic at heart who always has on his rose colored glasses. Robert lives and breathes people – whether an SAME mentee, coworker, client or friend, he consistently focuses his time on others. Though he kicked off his career here in our civil department, he now spearheads our business development in the government realm.
If you ever bump into robert, ask him to show you his latest and greatest wacky app.

Robert Burkman
Principal | Deputy Director of Retail
Robert Burkman
Principal | Deputy Director of Retail
The only way Robert could be more open-minded is if he was having brain surgery.
Robert loves traveling to Europe, but he finds himself most comfortable in the company of family and friends. In fact, you could bet money that, on the weekend, he is spending time with his wife, Lisa, watching Live PD or at a concert – either way they’re definitely living empty nester life to the fullest. He isn’t afraid of change, and his humility induces respect. He leads our retail architecture group with an approachability that creates genuine relationships within the team and beyond.
If you want to talk the kansas city chiefs, corvettes or classic rock, give robert a call. and remember - robert isn't like most dads, he's a cool dad.
“If you could be famous for something, what do you wish it would be?”
R: “A rock and roll star”

Todd Lester
Associate | Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering
Todd Lester
Associate | Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering
The only thing drier than Todd’s sense of humor is the Sahara Desert. Maybe.
He’s slow to speak, a man of sincerity, and if you stick around long enough, you’ll catch a witty one-liner. Todd is kind in every sense of the word. He’s a die-hard family man who loves nowhere more than home. But when he needs a break from wrangling the kiddos, you can spot him at the golf course or out kayak fishing. Now that we mention it…it seems everything Todd does requires a large chunk of brain power. We definitely caught ourselves a good one because his work capacity is absurd and ability to problem solve is matchless.
Todd's a european soccer fanatic, so if you want to ask him to bend it like beckham, be our guest.

Matt Rutkowski
Associate | Deputy Director of Electrical Engineering
Matt Rutkowski
Associate | Deputy Director of Electrical Engineering
What happens when you cross Jesus with Harry Potter? You get Matt Rutkowski – a wood-working wizard.
When you first meet Matt, you only see the tip of the iceberg. He is silent but deadly – typically quiet, but his knowledge runs deep – he’s our secret electrical weapon. Matt is so brilliant, he’d clock in on the lumens scale at a whopping 80,000 lumens (for those of you who don’t speak nerd, that’s pretty damn bright). Speaking of bright, Independence Day on the lake is his favorite family tradition.
Behind his professionalism is just a guy who loves nature, a good steak and skilled carpentry.

Kent Bray
Senior Associate | Deputy Director of Project Management
Kent Bray
Senior Associate | Deputy Director of Project Management
If Kent’s work life was a movie, it would be Miss Congeniality, he’s a fan favorite around here.
He’d make Sandra Bullock proud because this guy’s our government secret weapon. He has the wit; he has the grit; he delivers no bull…well, you get the picture. America runs on Dunkin but Kent runs on coffee… quite literally, which is no surprise with the amount of energy it must take to manage team members by day and his little ones by night. As if that wasn’t enough activity, he still finds time to read, run, play video games and adventure with his wife, Alex. Just a reminder – you have as many hours in the day as Kent Bray.
Stop by kent's desk for trip to the land before time - his dinosaur collection will put yours to shame (although we know you probably don't have one).
“If you had to replace your hands with objects already in your house, what would you replace your hands with?”
K: “Kid hands”

Daniel Little
Deputy Director of Structural Engineering
Daniel Little
Deputy Director of Structural Engineering
What’s rarer than a three-legged albino donkey? Daniel Little’s artistic, musically-inclined, engineering noggin – that’s what.
He started college as an art major but quickly traded his artistic pallet for auto-cad. Our Tulsa crew is eternally grateful because he’s a thorough details king and the teammate guaranteed to go the extra mile. He’s patient in mentoring and simply put, someone you want on your team. But on a typical fall Sunday, his team loyalty lies with the Philadelphia Eagles. He spends the rest of his weekends traveling, playing guitar and hanging out with his two boys.
We’ve started a petition to rename the phrase “Daniel-of-all-trades” if you’d like to add your signature. Athlete, artist, musician, mathematician – what can the man not do?!
“If you had to replace your hands with objects already in your house, what would you replace your hands with?”
D: “Guitar Picks”

Sam Graves
Senior Associate | Senior Mechanical Engineer
Sam Graves
Senior Associate | Senior Mechanical Engineer
Now up to bat: dad of five from Austin, TX – Sam Graves. *he steps up to the plate…smashes continuous Parks and Rec references outta the park.
They say, “good is the enemy of great,” and no one embodies this more fully than Sam. From his lofty vocab and lengthy reading list to his office efficiency, he simply can’t do anything halfway. Take his morning commute for example. After parking his car, Sam uses his second set of wheels to skateboard right into the elevator. With a TU Homecoming King crown on his head and licensure already under his belt, Sam has become the gold standard for mentorship around here. But his #1 priority? His biggest hype crew at home. They say he reads all the stories, does all the voices and brings all the fun. We’ll let you in on a little secret – he and Jordan sneak in boujee takeout every Saturday night post-bedtime. If you see his kids, don’t spill the beans.
At the end of the day, we're pretty positive sam could give a 40 minute presentation on absolutely anything with no preparation - feeL free to challenge him and REPORT BACK.