Christopher Harwell
Principal | Director of Electrical Engineering
How many electrical engineers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one if you’re as tall as Christopher Harwell.
Thank goodness his heart is above average too – he would unquestionably give you the shirt off his back. He will always lend a helping hand but never wants the credit. A leader willing to evaluate and continually improve, Christopher brings an expertise that’s second to none; specialty lighting is his jam. When he isn’t busy lighting up the office (literally and figuratively), he’s likely in the great outdoors fishing, shooting hoops or metal detecting. He spends most of his time with his best friend and partner in crime – his wife, Angela.
Next time you're feeling bold, challenge christopher to a pick-up game over the lunch hour. we'll warn you though, he may block your shot.
“What would you do if you were invisible for a day?”
C: “Lots of practical jokes”